Small Church Communities
A Small Church Community (“SCC”) is a group of six to twelve people who meet regularly (weekly, every two weeks or monthly) to explore applying the gospel to all aspects of their lives. Through praying together, reading scripture and sharing faith experiences the SCC develops individual spiritual growth, active involvement in the life of the parish and a desire to carry the Christian message into the wider community. There are also seasonal SCC's for Lent and Advent. Contact: Marion Williams
Devotional Opportunities
A number of our parishioners wish to use personal prayer to ask for blessings on our selves, others, our parish, diocese and the world. You are invited to join any of the activities listed below or seek additional information about them by calling the rectory office, 707-996-8842.
- Rosary Group
In response to our Lady's call for prayer, a number of parishioners have pledged to pray the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and to recite the simple prayer of St. Gertrude the Great, weekly at any time at their convenience. - Daily Rosary
Each day before the 8:30 a.m. Mass, a rosary is recited in the church during the seasons of Advent or Lent. - Hospital Rosary
Each Thursday morning, at the Skilled Nursing Unit of the Sonoma Valley Hospital, a rosary is said for all the patients and caregivers. - Eucharistic Adoration
The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place for one hour each First Friday after the daily 8:30 a.m. Mass. - Mother Of Perpetual Help Novena
Each Tuesday alter the 8:30 a.m. Mass, this devotion to our Lady of Perpetual Help is recited.
Eucharistic Ministers To The Sick
Ministers bring Holy Communion to those who are sick or confined to home, or patients in the Sonoma Valley Hospital or nursing/convalescent homes. Hospital admissions staff provides this information Wednesday and Friday to the Eucharistic Minister for that day. Training is provided to those who join this ministry. Contact: Ann Solomon