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Liturgical Ministries
Summary: Music, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Alter Servers, Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick


Ministry includes selecting and providing piano music for masses, managing the choir and other musicians. Contact: Sherrill Peterson  935-3986

Eucharistic Ministers

Ministers assist the priest during the distribution of Eucharist at mass. Schedules are prepared, sent and posted every two months. Volunteers are welcome and receive periodic training. Contact: Janie Rietow


Ministers read scripture at mass. Schedules for weekend masses are prepared, sent and posted every two months. Volunteers are welcome and receive periodic training. Contact: Gerry Downs

Alter Servers

Ministry trains altar services for Saturday and Sunday liturgies. Boys and Girls in the fourth grade and beyond are welcome to apply, as well as men and women of the parish. Contact: Gerry Downs

Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick

Ministers bring Holy Communion to those who are sick or confined to home, or patients in the Sonoma Valley Hospital or nursing/convalescent homes. Hospital admissions staff provides this information Wednesday and Friday to the Eucharistic Minister for that day. Training is provided to those who join this ministry. Contact: Ann Solomon  933-9968

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